The NJ Bariatric Institute offers a variety of solutions: both surgical and non-surgical. We have strategic affiliations with specialists offering many different approaches to regaining your health. Many of our patients have tried non-surgical weight loss treatments and failed. They are now up against health issues which have become so significant that they have no other choice. They need weight loss surgery to fight their disease and its consequences. It is our sincere aim to make this process as easy and as clear as possible.
There are variations in what each person may need to accomplish before bariatric surgery, and these can be due to variations in insurance policy requirements AND individual medical issues. You will be advised of what you must do and why throughout the process.
We work Together
We have found that the more involved you are as the patient in the process leading to your weight loss surgery procedure, the easier and more successful your recovery afterward.
We have a commitment toward education
We want you to know what to expect so that you don’t have the anxiety associated with surprises AND so you can avoid any known pitfalls.
Your success and satisfaction is our goal
Our organization values your time and has taken the opportunity to provide an unparalleled degree of electronic access for our patients. We give you the opportunity to seek traditional office visits, or to accomplish tasks on your own schedule. You can seek as much or as little information as you might want. Empowering patients on their individual journey is our goal.
At the very least, each patient will complete the following milestones prior to moving to surgery:
Nutrition Evaluation:
This is intended to be HELPFUL. The intent is to identify your likes and dislikes and to give you insight about your food habits and how they may be affected by your choice of bariatric surgery procedures. Options exist to do this under traditional circumstances in person, or remotely. It’s your choice! The basic information which needs to be completed prior is available in our forms section.
Behavior Evaluation:
This too is intended to be HELPFUL. We are not trying to determine whether you are crazy! The intent is to identify your habits and eating patterns to try to give you insight into ways to help you modify them. You will also learn how these habits may be affected by the procedure of your choice. Options also exist for this appointment. It’s up to you. The basic information which needs to be completed prior to this visit is also available in our forms section. Each of the above evaluations are performed by trained professionals in their field. They have additional sub specialization and familiarity with Obesity as a DISEASE. They also understand the weight loss surgery procedures (gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and lap band) and their post-operative course. Each is intended to be there for you post operatively, to know who you are, and to lend a hand when needed. They’re here to help.
Blood Work:
Insurance companies have determined that certain blood tests must be run prior to considering patients for bariatric surgery. This list also exists in our forms section and can be downloaded for completion at the lab of your choice.
Upper Endoscopy (EGD):
This is intended for your safety. Under light anesthesia, a gastroenterologist will pass a flexible scope through your mouth and down to your stomach to ensure that there are no hidden problems PRIOR to you having any surgery. We want to make sure that your weight loss surgery is as safe and straightforward as possible. If you have already had this done within the past 6 months, we need a copy of the report. For those who have not had it done, there is the option to schedule an appointment with one of our affiliated specialists through this website. These 4 things represent the common milestones each weight loss surgery patient must accomplish. There may be additional items which are identified during your consult and may require additional evaluations. Each one of our patients is unique, and we treat each of them as individuals.